The Pursuit Of Happyness Screenplay

The Pursuit Of Happyness (2006) transcript by Steve Conrad. Analyze This (1999) by Peter Tolan and Harold Ramis and Kenneth Lonergan. Based on characters created by Kenneth Lonergan and Peter Tolan. July 1998 Draft. Analyze That (2002) by Peter Steinfeld and Harold Ramis and Peter Tolan. Based on characters created by Kenneth. All of us, mortal beings, desire to live a good life. But there's a perception that not necessarily you have to earn more to live a good lif.

Character Development in The Pursuit of Happyness
By Elaine Radford
A good screenplay always needs a strong, well-developed main character (protagonist). But, in a character-driven film, the protagonist is the story. This means that there would be no story without him.
In the film, The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner’s (Will Smith) unique personality sets the plot in motion. Living in San Francisco in the 1980s, Chris struggles to make a living during an economic recession and provide for his wife and young son. When he loses everything, including his wife, and is left homeless and destitute, he uses his inner resources—his intelligence, charm, wit, and extraordinary tenacity— in a seemingly endless struggle to protect his son and gain economic security.

Armed with only a high school education and his unique personality, Chris overcomes every obstacle in his path to become a stock broker and finally a millionaire. This is a true story about a man whose love for his son and his pursuit of happiness motivate him. His actions help move the story forward, developing the plot.

To write a screenplay in which the main character is the story, ask yourself several questions:

1. Who is your protagonist? Describe your protagonist’s physical and psychological
characteristics and what makes him or her unique.
2. What is your protagonist’s goal in the story? How does he use his extraordinary characteristics
to overcome obstacles and achieve his goal?
3. When does the story take place? Define the era and the year. Describe any events from that time period that cause conflict for the protagonist.
4. Where does the story take place? Describe the geographic location. What role does the location play in the main conflict of the story?
5. Why do the actions of the protagonist determine whether he achieves his goal and overcomes
obstacles? How do his unique character traits influence his actions?

Time to get up, man.

All right, Dad.

Come on.

Should be here soon.

I think I should make a list.

Uh, what do mean?

For your birthday gifts?


Well, you know you're only getting

a couple of things, right?

Yeah, I know.

Just to look at and study,

so I can choose better.

Okay, well, that's smart.

Yeah, make a list.

Can you spell everything

you're thinking of?

I think so.

All right.

That's good.

How you doing in here, man?


Can we go to the park today?


Um. No, I gotta

go to Oakland.

Well, uh...

maybe. We'll see.

Give me a kiss.

I'll talk to you later.

Excuse me.

Oh. Excuse me, uh...

when is, uh, somebody

gonna clean this off?

And... And...

And the Y?

The Y. We talked

about this.

It's an I in 'happiness.'

There's no Y in 'happiness.'

It's an I.

I'm Chris Gardner.

I met my father

for the first time

when I was 28 years old.

And I made up my mind

as a young kid

that when I had children,

my children were gonna know

who theirfather was.

This is part of my life story.

The Pursuit Of Happiness Script

This part is called

'Riding the Bus.'

What's that?

It's a time machine, isn't it?

Seems like a time machine.

That seems like a time machine.

It's a time machine.

Take me with you.

This machine...

This machine on my lap...

This guy, he has a time machine.


He... He... He travels.

He travels in the past

with this machine and...

it is not a time machine.

It's a portable

bone-density scanner.

A medical device

I sell for a living.

Thank you for the opportunity

to... To discuss it with you.

I appreciate it.

We just don't need it, Chris.

It's unnecessary.

And expensive.

Well, maybe next...

Thank you.

It gave a slightly denser

picture than an x-ray...

for twice the money.

- Hey.

- Hey, baby.

What happened?

Uh... No, nothing.

The Pursuit Of Happyness Screenplay Pdf

Look, I can't get

Christopher today.

Oh, no, you don't, Chris.

I need...

I'm back on at 7.

I know. I have got

to go to Oakland.

So I gotta

get Christopher home,

feed him, bathe him,

get him in bed, and be back here by 7?


And we got

the tax bill notice today.

What are you gonna do

about that?

Look. This is what

we gotta do.

You see that car?

The one with the pretty

yellow shoe on it?

That's mine.

There's no parking

near hospitals.

That's what happens

when you're always in a rush.

Thanks anyway.

Uh, very much.

Uh... Uh, maybe next quarter.

It's possible.

Pursuit of happyness movie summary

I needed to sell at least

two scanners a month

Pursuit Of Happyness Movie Questions

for rent and daycare.

I'd have to sell one more

to pay off all of those tickets

under my windshield wiper.

The problem is...

I haven't sold any for a while.

Since when do you not like

macaroni and cheese?

Since birth?

What's that?


What is this?

It's a gift for Christopher.

From who?

Cynthia from work.

It's for adults.

Chris can't use it.

She didn't know.

What are you supposed to

do with it?

Make every side the same color.

Did you pay the taxes?

No, I'm gonna have to,

uh, file an extension.

You alreadyfiled an extension.

Yeah, well, I gotta

file another one.


It's $650.

I'll have it in the next month.

That means interest, right?

The Pursuit Of Happyness Screenplay

And a penalty?

Yeah, a little bit.

Look, why don't you

let me do this?

All right, just relax.


Now, come here.

Calm down.

I have to go back to work.

Let's get ready for bed.

Hey, uh, put your plate

in the sink.

A few days ago I was presented

with a report I'd asked for.

The Pursuit Of Happyness Screenplay Pdf

A comprehensive audit,

if you will,

of our economic condition.

You won't like it.

I didn't like it.

But we have to face the truth

The Pursuit Of Happyness Screenplay

and then go to work

to turn things around.

And make no mistakeabout it...