Suikoden 2 Iso For Ppsspp

Download Suikoden II (USA) (340M) Note: This game is a PSX2PSP eBoot and is meant to be played on a Sony PSP. If you are looking for a PSX/PS1 ISO to play on an emulator or console then please check our Sony Playstation ISOs Section. Suikoden II PSX Game Download – Bagi yang dulunya sering atau suka memainkan PS1, pasti sudah mengenal dengan salah satu game yang bergenre RPG ini.Suikoden 2 adalah permainan yang dikembangkan serta dipublikasikan oleh Konami untuk Sony PlayStation, dan juga seri kedua dari Suikoden.

  • Suikoden II (also known by the name of Gensou Suikoden II) is an artificial JRPG Konami and is the direct sequel of Suikoden were released on the same console, PlayStation, in 1999. While the newly released, Suikoden II is arguably covered by the shadow of Final Fantasy VIII that was popular at the time, despite that the game is still able to.
  • This entry in Konami’s RPG franchise is the first exclusive entry in the series on a portable PlayStation platform.
ISOs » PSX on PSP » S » Suikoden II (USA)
Suikoden 2 iso for ppsspp pc


Genre: StrategyRole-Playing
Rating: ESRB: T
How to Play this Game ?

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Game Description & Reviews:

OverviewSuikoden II is set three years after the events of Suikoden and tells the story of how young friends Riou and Jowy become caught up in the conflict between the Highland Empire and the City States of Jowston. Can you recruit all 108 Stars of Destiny and unite a nation?

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  • Uploaded by sean0537

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Download Suikoden II (USA)(340M)

Note: This game is a PSX2PSP eBoot and is meant to be played on a Sony PSP. If you are looking for a PSX/PS1 ISO to play on an emulator or console then please check our Sony Playstation ISOs Section.


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