Spot Color Separation Software Free Download


  1. From quick spot color jobs to tough simulated process separations – Separo creates high quality separations ready for silk screen printing and proofs with color gamut reduction. Tweak the details in Adobe Photoshop or go straight to ripping with our seps.
  2. Do simulated process color, cmyk, index, spot color separations, improve artwork and more! Download the free UltraSeps 15 day trial. UltraSeps Color Separation Software.

Get The NEW UltraSeps v3 At An Insane Spring 2021 Discount!

No Other T-Shirt Color Separation Program Offers So Much For So Little!
Setting The Standard In T-Shirt Color Separation Software….Once Again!
Quite Honestly, It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This!

NOTE: This site may make reference to UltraSeps Version 2, although the current version of UltraSeps is Version 3.
Most information on this site however is 100% relevant to Version 3.
Disregard all reference to unlocking UltraSeps and any error or issue that pertains to it as this has been removed from Version 3.

Software Downloads for 'Spot Color Separation Software'. Special Font animation, RGB color separation, complete mask image support, multilevel undo, complete layer support, custom Brushes and AirBrushes, easy painting and retouching brushes, adjustable cropping and selection tools, animation effects, set of deformation tools.

Yes…Its That Easy To Use!
When planning to improve upon the original UltraSeps, I thought about it for several weeks until the eureka moment emerged. And that was to make UltraSeps so incredibly easy to use, that virtually anyone with little experience could begin using it effectively just about immediately!


End users can throw just about any file that can be opened with Photoshop at the color separation modules, set up in any fashion, including the ridiculous and UltraSeps will work its magic to process the separation. UltraSeps is not only the finest product of its kind, but is also the most intuitive.

New Engineering!
All functions, JavaScript’s and plugins have been re-engineered to safeguard the user from making a mistake and to also run faster. We wanted to make UltraSeps not only the finest t-shirt color separation program available, but also the easiest to use.

Just about every function that permits the t-shirt screen printer or graphic artist to generate color separations of any type, custom spot color channels, whatever, has been updated and simplified. We’ve also made the installation process easier and have implemented invisible authorization to run on ALL your systems at no additional cost. I can just about guarantee that you’ll like it!

It’s Mostly Under The Hood!
At first glance, those “very” familiar with UltraSeps won’t immediately see a vast difference, aside from the new features added as most of the new technology is under the hood.

Spot Color Separation software, free download

Although I can assure you that after using UltraSeps Version 3 for a while, the enhancements will become clearly apparent as suddenly you’ll be saying to yourself…
“Hey, wait a minute, this never worked so easily before!”

A New Simulated Process Function!
As an added bonus with UltraSeps v3, we’ve included a completely new simulated process module called Sim Process #3. This module generates simulated process color using dual RGB channels. One a standard RGB and another with all the black and gray data removed.

This type of separation can generate a fabulous job with many files, especially those that require bright greens, blues and slightly more red information. Yeah, you’ll like this too! So now, UltraSeps contains 3 completely different simulated process color separation modules! Try them all for a different look.

For Once, Best Price Does Equal Best Quality!
Just think about this for a minute, for the cost of about 5 gallons of quality ink, you can own the most feature rich, highest quality, well supported and industry standard t-shirt color separation software that’ll last forever!


That bucket of UltraSeps never runs dry as it can be used for countless jobs, forever, saving and making you money. Plus, we also guarantee UltraSeps v3 to be compatible with future versions of Photoshop, operating system updates and new OS releases.

The Features Are Almost Endless!
By scrolling through the slideshow graphics above, its clearly apparent that UltraSeps offers everything one could possibly ask for. In fact, we didn’t include a few as its ridiculous to list them all!

But of more importance than a vast number of features is the quality of the end result, ease of use and mind blowing automation built into this program composed of over 100 individual Java applications and Automation Plugins.

Anything Is Possible With UltraSeps!
UltraSeps has the power, flexibility and ease of use to make complex, dramatic t-shirt color separations possible for the new user while offering Photoshop Pros the most advanced application of its kind to speed up the separation process.

Basically, if a file can be opened within Photoshop, it can be utilized by every tool UltraSeps offers, so this includes everything! Enhance and repair images, modify the art and then choose from 8 different forms of color separation. Your life just got easier!

Time Is Money, Don’t Waste It!
Why spend countless hours laboring over separations only to discover once on press, there’s issues? The largest apparel manufacturers in the world know that time is valuable and its the reason they use our software.

UltraSeps removes the uncertainly and fear from the t-shirt color separation process providing the end user with the tools to not only generate high-end work, but also a level of confidence of knowing that, “yes, I can do this”.

Great Even With Simple Graphics!
For those thinking a high-end color separation program is only helpful with complex art, think again!


UltraSeps is the ultimate separation tool with basic art as well. Why struggle with CorelDraw or Illustrator on images containing gradients, many spot colors, images requiring underbases, highlight whites, etc. Just open your vector style artwork with Photoshop and let UltraSeps make easy work of it!

Spot Color Separation software, free download

A Partner You Can Rely Upon!
When you buy a copy of UltraSeps v3, you’re not just getting the finest software of its kind, you’re also gaining a “stable partner” that is always there for you. You can always trust that our products are fresh, new, exciting, innovative and not something outdated, rebranded, an overpriced “one trick pony” or just simply doesn’t work.

Free Color Separation Program

If any questions arise or advice is needed, we’re just an email or call away. In fact, we have the reputation of providing the fastest and most knowledgeable support in the business! Don’t believe it, just ask around.

Try UltraSeps For 15 Days Free!
Experience the power and learn more about the mind blowing features of UltraSeps today with our evaluation version.

Spot Color Separation software, free download Windows 10

See for yourself that nothing compares to UltraSeps and why it needs to be included within your art department. UltraSeps not only enhances productivity, but is an incredible asset to your business. Your competition may be using it against you! Don’t go another day without it! Try it FREE here!

Color Separation Software Free Trial

See What Our Users Are Saying About UltraSeps!
We receive countless email and calls on how pleased our UltraSeps users are with the software and how its helped their shops immensely.