Simply Piano App

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If you'd still like a refund, here are the steps according to how you purchased:

Apple (App Store or iTunes) purchase

With just a few quick steps, you can request a refund from Apple. You can get in touch directly with Apple Customer Support to request a refund or fill out their quick, automated refund request.

Click here to download the app - Piano- The simplest way to learn piano.Simply Piano helps you learn piano step by step, no previ. Simply Piano is a great way to teach yourself piano. The only thing is, I have been using the same app on my android phone for almost two years, and when I downloaded it to my fire tablet, it didn't have the exact same content.

Simply Piano App Price

Android (Google Play or Credit Card) purchase

Simply Piano App Price

Payments made through the Google Play Store or by credit/debit card are eligible for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. If you'd like a refund, please reach out to our team through the app by tapping Menu > Settings > Contact Support and we look into that for you.

If you ever wanted to learn how to play piano on your own, then you ought to give the Simply Piano app a try. With so many applications that imitate the piano and that seek to make learning easier, it’s becoming more and more difficult to find something that’s both good and efficient. Simply Piano is an app you download to your smartphone or tablet. I think its save to assume that everyone has a smartphone right? However a tablet is a little better if you have one for the bigger screen.



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Have more questions? You can talk to us through the app. Tap on Menu > Settings > Have a Question? / Contact Support